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Information for Authority record
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Library of congress:
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Elect. reprod./Crane, P.E. Systematics and biology of the genus Chrysomyxa (Uredinales), 2000:abstr. (Rust fungi in the genus Chrysomyxa (Uredinales, Coleosporiaceae))
- ITIS, Aug. 2, 2005(Family Coleosporiaceae, Order Uredinales -- rust fungi, rusts)
- The NCBI taxonomy browser, via WWW, Aug. 2, 2005(Coleosporiaceae. Rank: family. Order Uredinales)
- CABI bioscience databases, via WWW, Aug. 2, 2005:family names (Coleosporiaceae Dietel. Synonym: Coelosporiaceae (misspelling))
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Wikipedia description:
The Coleosporiaceae are a family of rust fungi in the order Pucciniales. The family contains 6 genera and 131 species. It was updated in 2020, to 7 genera and 173 species.
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