Boaters (Persons)
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Library of congress:
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Morris, J. Quantitative evaluation of a boater education program for manatee protection, 2004:abstr. (boaters; boat users)
- Amer. Heritage dict. of the Engl. lang., c2000(boater: 1. One that drives or rides in a boat, especially a pleasure craft. 2. A stiff straw hat with a flat crown; boatman: One who works on, deals with, or operates boats)
- Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors, 1995(Boat Operators. UF Boatmen, Motorboat Operators. SN May be used in a recreational as well as an occupational context. RT Maritime Education, Navigation, Sailing, Seafarers)
- Thesaurus for graphic materials I, via WWW, July 7, 2005(Boatmen. BT People associated with transportation. RT Boats)
- ILO thesaurus, 1998(boatmen. BT transport worker. RT inland water transport)
- LC database, July 7, 2005(boaters; recreational boaters; motorboater; motor boater; pleasure boaters; women boaters; boatmen)