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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 87004443
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Laurent, R.F. Les genres Cryptothylax, Phlyctimantis et Kassina au Zaire ... 1976.
- Amphib. species:p. 206.
- Terentʹev herp.:p. 90.
- Liem, S.S. Morphology, systematics and evolution of the Old World treefrogs (Rhacophoridae and Hyperoliidae), 1970:p. 110-111.
- Wager, V.A. Frogs of South Africa, 1986:p. 46 (reed frogs, Hyperolius)
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Wikipedia description:
Hyperolius (commonly known as the African reed frogs or reed frogs) is a large genus of frogs in the family Hyperoliidae from Sub-Saharan Africa. The genus is known to exhibit Sexual dichromatism, a trait that is otherwise rare in frogs.
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