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Library of congress:
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Schöps, K. Metapopulation dynamics of the coxella weevil (Hadramphus spinipennis) on the Chatham Islands, c2000:p. 6 (Dieffenbach's speargrass Aciphylla dieffenbachii (F. Muell.) Kirk (Apiaceae))
- Mabberley, D.J. The plant-book, c1997(Aciphylla Forster & G. Forster. Umbelliferae; speargrass: Aciphylla squarrosa)
- GardenWeb's HortiPlex plant database, via WWW, Jan. 28, 2004(Aciphylla. Family: Apiaceae)
- Umbellifer Resource Centre homepage, Jan. 28, 2004:taxonomic data (Aciphylla. Recognised synonyms: Gingidium, Calosciadium)
- Flora : dict. of common plant names, 2003(speargrass: Aciphylla squarrosa, Austrostipa, Poa, Stipa)
- GRIN taxonomy, via WWW, Jan. 28, 2004(Aciphylla J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. Family: Apiaceae. Altfamily: Umbelliferae. Synonyms: Coxella)
- Index nominum genericorum, via WWW, Jan. 28, 2004(Aciphylla J.R. Forster et J.G.A. Forster. Phan.-Apiaceae)
- Vascular plant families and genera, via WWW, Jan. 28, 2004(Aciphylla J.R.Forst. Umbelliferae)
- Flora of New Zealand, 1961:v. 1, p. 465 (Aciphylla. Umbelliferae. The larger spp. are often referred to under the names taramea, speargrass, spaniard) v. 1, p. 486 (Coxella. Umbelliferae. Genus known only from a single sp. of Chatham Is, closely related to Aciphylla)
- Mark, A.F. New Zealand alpine plants, 1979:p. 90 (Genus Aciphylla. All the larger aciphyllas are commonly referred to as speargrass or spaniard)
- Salmon, J.T. Field guide to the alpine plants of New Zealand, 1968:p. 97 (Wild Spaniards. Wild Spaniard or Speargrass is the popular name give to plants of the genus Aciphylla, which occur commonly throughout N.Z. Family: Umbelliferae)
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Wikipedia description:
Aciphylla is a genus of about 40 species of herbaceous plants in the family Apiaceae, all but two of them endemic to New Zealand (the remaining two species are found only in Australia). They range from small cushion plants to tall flower spikes surrounded by rosettes of stiff, pointed leaves, the latter probably adaptations to prevent browsing by moa. Their common name is speargrass or Spaniard. Most Aciphylla species preferred habitats are in subalpine or alpine habitats in the South Island. Fragrant oil extracted from some large species, known as taramea, is still used as a perfume by Māori.
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