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| מספר מערכת 987007542401105171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
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Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q4813554
Library of congress: sh2008020005
Sources of Information
  • Work cat.: Blood, D.M. Spawning, egg development, and early life history dynamics of arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) in the Gulf of Alaska, 2007:p. 1 (member of the right-eyed flounder family Pleuronectidae)
  • ITIS, Jan. 4, 2008(Genus Reinhardtius. Synonym: Atheresthes. Subfamily Hippoglossinae, Family Pleuronectidae)
  • NCBI taxonomy browser, Jan. 4, 2008(Atheresthes. Rank: genus. Subfamily Pleuronectinae, Family Pleuronectidae)
  • FishBase, via WWW, Jan. 4, 2008(Atheresthes evermanni, Kamchatka flounder; Atheresthes stomias, Arrowtooth flounder. Pleuronectidae (Righteye flounders), subfamily: Pleuronectinae)
  • Annotated checklists of fishes, no. 37 (Feb. 2004), via WWW, viewed Jan. 4, 2008(Genus Atheresthes. Family Pleuronectidae, righteye flounders)
  • Nelson, J.S. Fishes of the world, c2006:p. 446-447 (family Pleuronectidae, subfamily Hippoglossinae: five genera [including both] Atheresthes [and] Reinhardtius; Cooper and Chapleau (1998) placed species of Atheresthes within Reinhardtius, but Nelson et al. (2004) and Orr and Matarase (2000) recognized both genera; Nelson et al. also noted a 2001 molecular study finding that A. evermanni is not closely related to Reinhardtius and supporting the retention of Atheresthes as a valid genus)
  • Eschmeyer, W.N. Catalog of fishes, 1998:v. 3, p. 1851 (Atheresthes; valid; Pleuronectidae: Pleuronectinae) p. 2107 (Reinhardtius; Pleuronectidae: Pleuronectinae)
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Wikipedia description:

Atheresthes is a genus of righteye flounders native to the northern Pacific Ocean where both species are important commercially.

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