GVS 100 (Computer)
Enlarge text Shrink textHRS-100, ХРС-100, GVS-100 or ГВС-100, (see Ref.#1, #2, #3 and #4) (Serbo-Croatian: Hibridni Računarski Sistem, Russian: Гибридная Вычислительная Система, English: Hybrid Computer System) was a third generation hybrid computer developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia, then SFR Yugoslavia) and engineers from USSR in the period from 1968 to 1971. Three systems HRS-100 were deployed in Academy of Sciences of USSR in Moscow and Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok) in 1971 and 1978. More production was contemplated for use in Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic (DDR), but that was not realised. HRS-100 was invented and developed to study the dynamical systems in real and accelerated scale time and for efficient solving of wide array of scientific tasks at the institutes of the A.S. of USSR (in the fields: Aerospace-nautics, Energetics, Control engineering, Microelectronics, Telecommunications, Bio-medical investigations, Chemical industry etc.).
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