Gurage languages
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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 85057961
Sources of Information
- Hetrzron, R. The Gunnan-Gurage languages, 1977:p. 3-4 (Gurage is a conglomeration of Semitic speakers surrounded by Cushitic speakers; East Gurage includes Selti, Wolane, Ulbarag, Enneqor and Zway & is related to Harari; other Gurage with Gafat form another group (Outer South-Ethiopic languages or Gunnün-Gurage languages) divided into n-group (Gafat, Soddo, Goggot) & a tt-group (all the rest, including Muher; Mäsqan, Ezha, Chaha, Gumer, Gura, Gyeto, Ennemor, Endegeñ & Ener)
- Bright. Intl. encyc. of linguistics, 1992:3:417 (4 groups of Gurage: East Gurage, Central West, including Chaha; Peripheral West, including Ennemor; Soddo)
- Ethnologue, 1996 family index(Gurage, North; Gurage, West; Gurage, East; Mesmes; Zay)
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