Swaps (Finance)
Enlarge text Shrink text- Work cat.: Brown, B. The economics of the swap market, 1989.
- Barron's fin. & invest. handbk.(Swap)
- BPI, 10/88-12/88(Swap financing)
- Investor's dict.(Swapping)
- Rosenberg. Dict. of bank. fin. serv.(Swap)
- Pessin. Words of Wall St.(Swap)
In finance, a swap is an agreement between two counterparties to exchange financial instruments, cashflows, or payments for a certain time. The instruments can be almost anything but most swaps involve cash based on a notional principal amount. The general swap can also be seen as a series of forward contracts through which two parties exchange financial instruments, resulting in a common series of exchange dates and two streams of instruments, the legs of the swap. The legs can be almost anything but usually one leg involves cash flows based on a notional principal amount that both parties agree to. This principal usually does not change hands during or at the end of the swap; this is contrary to a future, a forward or an option. In practice one leg is generally fixed while the other is variable, that is determined by an uncertain variable such as a benchmark interest rate, a foreign exchange rate, an index price, or a commodity price. Swaps are primarily over-the-counter contracts between companies or financial institutions. Retail investors do not generally engage in swaps.
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