Mascoi language
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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 91001108
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Casaccia, G. La lucha por la tierra en defensa de la vida, 1986:(Maskoy, Mascoi, Machicuy), p. 23 (list of dialects)
- Ethnologue, 11th ed.:p. 125 (Emok, Toba-Emok, Mascoy, Cabanatit, Machicui, Eenslit)
- Steward handbk. So. Am. Ind., v. 1:p. 226 (Mascoi, Machicuy, Cabanatith, Tujetge)
- Voegelin lang.:p. 284 (Mascoy, Machicui, Tujetge)
- Web. 3.
Wikipedia description:
Maskoy, or Toba-Maskoy, is one of several languages of the Paraguayan Chaco (Particularly in the northern region of Paraguay) called Toba. It is spoken on a reservation near Puerto Victoria. Toba-Maskoy is currently a threatened language at risk of becoming an extinct language, due to the low number of native speakers.
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