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| מספר מערכת 987007549673105171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
Name (Latin)
Other forms of name
Area classification (Demography)
See Also From tracing topical name
Economic geography
Population geography
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q5533977
Library of congress: sh2007001048
Sources of Information
  • Work cat.: Vicker, D. Creating the national classification of census output areas, 2005:PDF p. 2 (Area classification, often called "Geodemographics" by producers of commercial systems such as ACORN, Mosaic or Cameo) p. 32 (geodemographics industry) p. 50 (geodemographic (area) classifications)
  • The dict. of human geography, 2000(geodemographics: A term applied to the analysis of social and economic data in a geographical context for commercial purposes related to marketing, site selection, advertising, and sales forecasting)
  • Encyc. of human geography, c2006(Geodemographics. Geodemographics refers to computer-based systems that combine spatially referenced data about consumers with statistical analysis and mapping programs that are used primarily to identify potential targets for business purposes)
  • Wikipedia, Feb. 15, 2007(Geodemography includes the application or study of geodemographic classifications for business, social research and public policy but has a longer history in academic research seeking to understand the processes by which settlements (notably, cities) evolve and neighborhoods are formed. It links the sciences of demography, the study of human population dynamics, geography, the study of the locational and spatial variation of both physical and human phenomena on Earth, and also sociology; geodemographics)
  • LC database, Feb. 15, 2007(geodemography; geodemographics)
Wikipedia description:

Geodemography is the study of people based on where they live; it links the sciences of demography, the study of human population dynamics, and geography, the study of the locational and spatial variation of both physical and human phenomena on Earth, along with sociology. It includes the application of geodemographic classifications for business, social research and public policy but has a parallel history in academic research seeking to understand the processes by which settlements (notably, cities) evolve and neighborhoods are formed. Geodemographic systems estimate the most probable characteristics of people based on the pooled profile of all people living in a small area near a particular address.

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