Navicular disease
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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 96004678
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: 96-8496: Ramey, D.W. Concise guide to navicular syndrome in the horse, c1997.
- Web. 3(navicular disease: an inflamation of the navicular bone and forefoot of the horse resulting in a shortened stride and persistent lameness ...)
- Gould med. dict.(navicular disease, see navicularthritis)
- Merck vet.(navicular disease (podotrochlosis, podotrochlitis))
- Black's vet. dict.(navicular disease)
- Concise vet. dict. 1988(navicular disease)
- CAB thes.(navicular disease)
- AGRICOLA via 1stsearch, 4/25/96(navicular syndrome; navicular disease)
- Biol. & agr. index via 1stsearch, 4/25/96(navicular syndrome; navicular disease)
- MEDLINE via 1stsearch, 4/25/96(navicular disease; navicular syndrome)
- Intl. dict. med. biol.:under disease (navicular disease. Also called navicular arthritis; podotrochilitis)
- Dorland's med. dict.:under disease (Navicular disease; podotrochilitis)
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Wikipedia description:
Navicular syndrome, often called navicular disease, is a syndrome of lameness problems in horses. It most commonly describes an inflammation or degeneration of the navicular bone and its surrounding tissues, usually on the front feet. It can lead to significant and even disabling lameness.
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