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Wikidata: Q721931
Library of congress: sh 98007361
Sources of Information
  • Work cat.: 98-51428: Building great sheds, 1999.
  • Tonejes, L.P. Build. trades dict., 1996(Shed)
  • Web. 3(Shed)
  • Random House(Shed)
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Wikipedia description:

A shed is typically a simple, single-storey roofed structure, often used for storage, for hobbies, or as a workshop, and typically serving as outbuilding, such as in a back garden or on an allotment. Sheds vary considerably in their size and complexity of construction, from simple open-sided ones designed to cover bicycles or garden items to large wood-framed structures with shingled roofs, windows, and electrical outlets. Sheds used on farms or in the industry can be large structures. The main types of shed construction are metal sheathing over a metal frame, plastic sheathing and frame, all-wood construction (the roof may be asphalt shingled or sheathed in tin), and vinyl-sided sheds built over a wooden frame. Small sheds may include a wooden or plastic floor, while more permanent ones may be built on a concrete pad or foundation. Sheds may be lockable to deter theft or entry by children, domestic animals, wildlife, etc.

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