Parrot's-feather (Plant)
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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 98007285
Sources of Information
- Transpiration, nutrient limitation, and resource allocation in Myriophyllum aquaticum, 1992:abst. (Parrrotfeather) intro. (syn. M. brasiliense)
- Cklist. vasc. Flora:p. 328 (Myriophyllum aquaticum; syn: Enydria aquatica, M. brasiliense, M. proserpinacoides)
- Hortus 3rd(Parrot's-feather)
- Web. 3(Parrot's-feather; parrot feather: new world plant; often cultivated as an aquarium plant)
- SPN, 1942(Myriophyllum brasiliense; brazilian parrotfeather)
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Wikipedia description:
Myriophyllum aquaticum is a flowering plant, a vascular dicot, commonly called parrot's-feather and parrot feather watermilfoil.
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