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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 97008987
Sources of Information
- Carson, S.F. Development and reproductive biology of three species of Solaster sea stars from the northeast Pacific Ocean, 1989:p. 1 (family Solasteridae)
- Maluf, L.Y. Composition and distrib. of the central eastern Pacific echinoderms, 1988:p. 122 (Solaster borealis, Solaster endeca, Solaster exiguus, Solaster hypothrissus)
- Kozloff, E.N. Marine invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest, c1987:p. 453 (Solaster dawsoni, Solaster endeca, Solaster paxillatus, Solaster stimpsoni)
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Wikipedia description:
Solaster is a genus of sea stars in the family Solasteridae.
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