Red-necked grebe
Enlarge text Shrink text- Work cat.: Gieck, C. Wisconsin red-necked grebe recovery plan, 1988.
- Howard birds world:p. 6 (Podiceps grisegena, Red-necked grebe)
- Cklist. N. Am. birds:p. 9 (Podiceps grisegena, Red-necked grebe. Originally described as Colymbus grisegena)
- Peterson, R.T. A field guide to western birds, 1990:p. 26.
- Ehrlich, P.R. The birder's handbook, 1988:p. 8.
- Web. 3(Red-necked grebe, Colymbus grisegena)
The red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena) is a migratory aquatic bird found in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Its wintering habitat is largely restricted to calm waters just beyond the waves around ocean coasts, although some birds may winter on large lakes. Grebes prefer shallow bodies of fresh water such as lakes, marshes or fish-ponds as breeding sites. The red-necked grebe is a fairly drab dusky-grey bird in winter. During the breeding season, it acquires the distinctive red neck plumage, black cap and contrasting pale grey face from which its name was derived. It also has an elaborate courtship display and a variety of loud mating calls. Once paired, it builds a nest from water plants on top of floating vegetation in a shallow lake or bog. Like all grebes, the red-necked is a good swimmer and particularly swift diver, and responds to danger by diving rather than flying. The feet are positioned far back on the body, near the tail, which makes the bird ungainly on land. It dives for fish or picks insects off vegetation; it also swallows its own feathers, possibly to protect the digestive system. The conservation status of its two subspecies, P. g. grisegena, found in Europe and western Asia, and the larger P. g. holbolii (sometimes called Holbøll's grebe), found in North America and eastern Siberia, is evaluated as Least Concern, and the global population is stable or growing.
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