Lepidium latifolium
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Library of congress:
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Management of perennial pepperweed (tall whitetop), 1997:p. 7 (perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L., also called tall whitetop))
- Mabberley, D.J. The plant-book, c1997:p. 402 (under Lepidium: L. latifolium)
- Rollins, R.C. The Cruciferae of continental North America, 1993:p. 564 (Lepidium latifolium L.)
- The international plant names index, Sept. 28, 2001(Lepidium latifolium L.; Lepidium latifolium Linn.)
- Plants database, Sept. 28, 2001(Lepidium latifolium L.; broadleaved pepperweed)
- A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, 1998(Lepidium latifolium L.; broad-leaf pepperwort)
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Wikipedia description:
Lepidium latifolium, known by several common names including perennial pepperweed, broadleaved pepperweed, pepperwort, or peppergrass, dittander, dittany, and tall whitetop, is a perennial plant that is a member of the mustard and cabbage family.
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