9. Bezirk (Vienna, Austria)

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| מספר מערכת 987007559946005171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
אלזרגרונד (וינה, אוסטריה)
Name (Latin)
9. Bezirk (Vienna, Austria)
Other forms of name
Vienna (Austria). 9. Bezirk
nnaa Vienna. 9. Bezirk (Alsergrund)
Neunter Bezirk (Vienna, Austria)
16.35694444 16.35694444 48.22527778 48.22527778 (gooearth )
Associated country
See Also From tracing place name
Alsergrund (Vienna, Austria)
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 154817790
Wikidata: Q257780
Library of congress: n 84049650
Sources of Information
  • Pfeiffer, E. Heimito Doderers Alsergrund-Erlebnis, 1983:p. 9 (neunten Bezirk (Alsergrund))
  • LC data base, 8-15-84(hdg.: Vienna. 9. Bezirk (Alsergrund))
  • Österr. Lexik., 1966(Alsergrund; 9. Bezirk v. Wien; 1862 incorp. into Vienna)
  • Österr. Amtskal., 1984(under Vienna, Bezirke: 9. Bezirk, Alsergrund)
Wikipedia description:

Alsergrund (German pronunciation: [ˈalzɐˌɡrʊnt] ; Viennese: Oisagrund) is the ninth district of Vienna, Austria (German: 9. Bezirk, Alsergrund). It is located just north of the first, central district, Innere Stadt. Alsergrund was incorporated in 1862, with seven suburbs. As a central district, the area is densely populated. According to the census of 2001, there were 37,816 inhabitants over 2.99 square km (1.15 sq. mi). Many departments of the University of Vienna (main university), TU Wien and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) are located in Alsergrund. Until 2013 the University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) was also located in the 9th district, but eventually moved to the 2nd district. There are also many large hospitals, including the biggest in Vienna, the AKH (Allgemeines Krankenhaus, "General Hospital"). Alsergrund is associated with many notable names of Viennese art and science. It is the birthplace of Romantic composer Franz Schubert. Classic music composer Ludwig van Beethoven died here in his apartment at Schwarzspanierstraße 15. Berggasse 19 is the former residence and office of Sigmund Freud. It was Freud's home from 1891 until his flight to England in 1938, and is currently the site of the Vienna Sigmund Freud Museum. Most of the patients Freud treated during the development of his theories of psychoanalysis visited him at his Alsergrund office. In addition, the park in front of the Votivkirche, on the corner of Währingerstrasse and Schottenring, was named after Freud, in memory of his frequent visits there.

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