Western chorus frog
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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 97003301
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: 96-180077: Bonin, J. Rapport sur la situation de la rainette faux-grillon de l'ouest (Pseudacris triseriata) au Québec, 1996:p. 2 (Pseudacris triseriata triseriata; Western chorus frog)
- Amphibian species world:p. 172 (Pseudacris triseriata (Wied-Neuwied, 1838); original name: Hyla triseriata; four subspecies recognized)
- Stebbins field guide western reptiles and amphibians:p. 78 (striped chorus frog; Pseudacris triseriata; subspecies: midland chorus frog, P.t. triseriata)
- Standard common and current sci. names for No. Am. amphibians and reptiles:p. 12 (P. triseriata (striped chorus frog); P.t. triseriata (western chorus frog))
- Conant field guide reptiles and amphibians eastern and central No. America:p. 327 (western chorus frog; Pseudacris triseriata triseriata)
- Wright handbook frogs and toads of U.S. and Canada:p. 262 (western chorus frog; Pseudacris occidentalis (Baird and Girard); "This frog probably does not exist.")
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Wikipedia description:
The western chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata), also known as striped chorus frog, or midland chorus frog is a species of frog found in Canada and the United States.
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