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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 85097739
Sources of Information
- ITIS search, Dec. 23, 2005(Paraconger Kanazawa, 1961, genus in family Congridae)
- Catalog of fishes via WWW, Dec. 23, 2005(Paraconger Kanazawa 1961. Congridae)
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Wikipedia description:
Paraconger is a genus of eels in the family Congridae. It currently contains the following species: Paraconger californiensis Kanazawa, 1961 (Californian conger) Paraconger caudilimbatus (Poey, 1867) (Margintail conger) Paraconger guianensis Kanazawa, 1961 Paraconger macrops (Günther, 1870) (Blackspot conger) Paraconger notialis Kanazawa, 1961 (Guinean conger) Paraconger ophichthys (Garman, 1899) Paraconger similis (Wade, 1946) (Shorttail conger)
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