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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 94001321
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: 94-8329: Holladay, R. What preteens want their parents to know, c1994.
- Hennepin.
- Random House.
- Web. 3.
- LC database, Feb. 2, 1993.
- 99-20602: Rosenberg, Ellen. Get a clue! : what's really going on with pre-teens and how parents can help, 1999.
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Wikipedia description:
Preadolescence is a stage of human development following middle childhood and preceding adolescence. It commonly ends with the beginning of puberty. Preadolescence is commonly defined as ages 9–12 ending with the major onset of puberty. It may also be defined as simply the 2-year period before the major onset of puberty. Preadolescence can bring its own challenges and anxieties.
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