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Library of congress:
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Malloch, J.R. Keys to flies of the families Lonchaeidae, Pallopteridae, and Sapromyzidae of the eastern United States ... 1925.
- Nomina insecta Nearctica, via WWW, Feb. 2, 2001(Lonchaeidae. Diptera)
- World list of insect families, via WWW, Feb. 2, 2001(Lonchaeidae: Status=valid. Insecta:Diptera)
- ITIS, Feb. 2, 2001(Lonchaeidae. Common names: lanceflies, lonchaeid flies. Infraorder: Muscomorpha, Suborder: Brachycera, Order: Diptera)
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Wikipedia description:
The Lonchaeidae are a family of acalyptrate flies commonly known as lance flies. 610 described species are placed into 10 genera. These are generally small but robustly built flies with blue-black or metallic bodies. They are found, most commonly in wooded areas, throughout the world with the exception of polar regions and New Zealand. Details of the distribution of genera and species by biogeographic realm are included in the World Catalogue of the family Lonchaeidae
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