Comayagua (Honduras)
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Sources of Information
- Palacios, S. Las iglesias coloniales de la ciudad de Comayagua, 1987.
- BGN gaz., Honduras, 1983:(Comayagua, PPL, 14p0s27ʹN, 87p0s38ʹW)
- United States. Defense Mapping Agency. Hydrographic/Topographic Center. Honduras city graphic 1:15,000. Comayagua, 1991.
- Lippincott(Comayagua, city, [capital of] Comayagua dept., W central Honduras; was [capital of] Sp. prov. of Honduras and of republic (1543-1880) when it was called Valladolid)
Wikipedia description:
Valladolid is one of the municipalities of the Lempira department of Honduras. It takes about 2.5 hours to travel there and it must be via Santa Rosa de Copán–San Marcos de Ocotepeque–Cololaca–Tambla–Valladolid.
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