Marstons Mills (Mass.)

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  • Place
| מספר מערכת 987007565245905171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Marstons Mills (Mass.)
-70.41611111 -70.41611111 41.65611111 41.65611111 (gooearth )
W0702458 W0702458 N0413922 N0413922 (geonames )
Associated country
United States
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 133825756
Wikidata: Q6774012
Library of congress: n 91002150
Sources of Information
  • NUCMC data from Cape Cod Community College, Library-Learning Resources Center for Barnstable (Mass. : Town). Library Committee. Records, 1951-1977(Marston's Mills, Mass.; town of Barnstable)
  • Rand McNally comm'l atlas, 1984(Marstons Mills; Barnstable [county]; town of Barnstable)
Wikipedia description:

Marstons Mills (sometimes spelled Marston's Mills) is a village in the town of Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States. It is primarily residential, located on Massachusetts Route 28, and rural in nature. Main roads also include Massachusetts Route 149, Race Lane, River Road, Osterville-West Barnstable Road, and Santuit-Newtown Road.

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