Greater stick-nest rat
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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 97004237
Sources of Information
- Pedler, L. Re-introduction of stick-nest rats to Reevesby Island, South Australia, 1993:
- Corbet, G.B. A world list of mammalian species, 1991:
- World checklist of threatened mammals, 1993:
- Walker mam. world:
- The IUCN mammal red data book, 1982:
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Wikipedia description:
The greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus conditor), also known as the housebuilding rat and wopilkara, is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. They are about the size of a small rabbit and construct large nests of interwoven sticks. Once widespread across southern Australia, the population was reduced after European colonisation to a remnant outpost on South Australia's Franklin Islands. The species has since been reintroduced to a series of protected and monitored areas, with varying levels of success.
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