Caiques (Birds)
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Information for Authority record
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Library of congress:
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: 2005054552: Gorman, M. Caiques, 2006.
- Web. 3(caique, pl. caiques or caiquenes)
- Britannica micro.:v. 9, p. 169 (caiques, Pionites species, small, short-tailed South American birds similar to conures in build and habits)
- Forshaw, J.M. Parrots of the world, 1981:p. 500 (Genus Pionites Heine. Members of this genus are called caiques)
- Howard & Moore comp. cklst. of birds of the world, 2003:p. 201 (Pionites, black-headed parrot, white-bellied parrot)
- Wikipedia, Sept. 2, 2005(caique: one of two species of small, brightly colored parrot of the genus Pionites)
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Wikipedia description:
Caique ( or ) refers to two to four species of parrots in the genus Pionites endemic to the Amazon Basin in South America.
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