Enlarge text Shrink text- Beiträge zur Raetia Romana, c1987:t.p. (Raetia Romana)
- Columbia Lippincott gaz., 1962:p. 1573 (Rhaetia; anc. Roman prov. included Grisons canton, Switz., part of Tyrol prov. of Austria, and later Vindelicia; subjugated by Romans in 15 B.C.)
- Oxford class. dict.(Raetia, a Roman province in the Alps, including Tyrol, parts of Bavaria, and Switzerland)
- New Enc. Brit.(Raetia, this spelling found on inscriptions, in class. manuscripts spelled as Rhaetia)
- Harper's dict. of class. lit. and antiqu.(Rhaetia or Raetia which is preferred)
- Kl. Pauly(Raetia)
- Heidenheimer Archäol.-Colloq. (3rd : 1987). Zivile und militärische Strukturen im Nordwesten der römischen Provinz Raetien, 1988:t.p. (Provinz Raetien) p. 119 (Rätien; on map: Raetia)
- Buzzetti, P. La Rezia chiavennasca nelle epoche preromana ... 1989.
Raetia or Rhaetia ( REE-sh(ee-)ə, Latin: [ˈrae̯.ti.a]) was a province of the Roman Empire named after the Rhaetian people. It bordered on the west with the country of the Helvetii, on the east with Noricum, on the north with Vindelicia, on the south-west with Transalpine Gaul and on the south with Venetia et Histria, a region of Roman Italy. It thus comprised the districts occupied in modern times by eastern and central Switzerland (containing the Upper Rhine and Lake Constance), southern Germany (Bavaria and most of Baden-Württemberg), Vorarlberg and the greater part of Tyrol in Austria, and part of northern Lombardy in Italy. The region of Vindelicia (today eastern Württemberg and western Bavaria) was annexed to the province at a later date than the others. The northern border of Raetia during the reigns of emperors Augustus and Tiberius was the River Danube. Later the Limes Germanicus marked the northern boundary, stretching for 166 km north of the Danube. Raetia was connected to Italy across the Alps over the Reschen Pass, by the Via Claudia Augusta. The capital of the province was Augusta Vindelicorum, present-day Augsburg in southern Germany.
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