Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. Celestial hierarchy

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| מספר מערכת 987007570096305171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. Celestial hierarchy
Other forms of name
Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. Caelestis hierarchia
Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. De caelesti hierarchia
Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. Divini Dionysii Areopagite Caelestis hierarchia
Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. Heavenly hierarchy
Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. Peri ekklesiastikes kai ouranias hierarchias
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 293071222
Wikidata: Q5244319
Library of congress: nr 00007867
Sources of Information
  • The celestial hierarchies, 1935(English translation)
  • RLIN, March 8, 2000(forms of title: Divini Dionysii Areopagite Caelestis hierarchia, Peri ekklesiastikes kai ouranias hierarchias, De caelesti hierarchia)
  • NAF, March 8, 2000(German translation established as Celestial hierarchy. German)
  • Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy, 2008.
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Wikipedia description:

De Coelesti Hierarchia (Ancient Greek: Περὶ τῆς Οὐρανίᾱς Ἱεραρχίᾱς, romanized: Peri tēs Ouraníās Hierarchíās, "On the Celestial Hierarchy") is a Pseudo-Dionysian work on angelology, written in Greek and dated to ca. AD the 5th century; it exerted great influence on scholasticism and treats at great length the hierarchies of angels.

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