Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡

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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡
Other forms of name
Bulgarian Broadcasting Symphonic Orchestra
Bulgarian National Orchestra
Bulgarian National Radio Opera-Symphony Orchestra
Bulgarian National Radio Orchestra
Bulgarian National Radio SO
Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra
Bulgarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Bulgarian Television and Radio Symphony Orchestra
Bŭlgarska televizii︠a︡. Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡
Bŭlgarska televizii︠a︡. Symphony Orchestra of the Bulgarian Radio and Television
Bŭlgarsko radio. Simfonichen orkestŭr
Bŭlgarsko radio. Symphony Orchestra of the Bulgarian Radio and Television
Bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡. Simfonichen orkestŭr
OSOBR (Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡)
Operno-simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio
Operno-simfonicheskiĭ orkestr bolgarskogo radio
Orchestra Simfonică a Radioteleviziunii Bulgare
Orchestre national de la Radio bulgare
Orchestre symphonique de la Radio bulgare
Orchestre symphonique de la Radio nationale bulgare
Orchestre symphonique de la Radio-TV bulgare
Orchestre symphonique de la Radio-Télévision bulgare
SOBR (Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡)
SOBTR (Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡)
SOKTR (Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡)
Simf. ork. na BRT
Simf. ork. na KTR
Simf. ork. na bŭlg. radio
Simfonichen orkestŭr na BR
Simfonichen orkestŭr na BRT
Simfonichen orkestŭr na KTR
Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskata televizii︠a︡ i radio
Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio
Simfonichen orkestŭr pri Komiteta za televizii︠a︡ i radio
Simfonicheskiĭ orkestr BR
Simfonicheskiĭ orkestr KTR
Simfonicheskiĭ orkestr bolgarskogo radio
Symphonic Orchestra of the Committee for Television and Radio
Symphonieorchester des Bulgarischen Rundfunks
Symphony Orchestra of BR
Symphony Orchestra of CTR
Symphony Orchestra of the B.R
Symphony Orchestra of the BRT
Symphony Orchestra of the Bulgarian Radio
Symphony Orchestra of the Bulgarian Radio and Television
Symphony Orchestra of the Bulgarian Television and Radio
Symphony Orchestra of the Committee for TVR
TVR Symphony Orchestra
Associated country
Field of activity
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 250049443
Wikidata: Q16824924
Library of congress: n 83160033
HAI10: 000548877
Sources of Information
  • Cherubini, L. Requiem en ut mineur [SR] c1974 (a.e.)labels (Orchestre symphonique de la Radio-Télévision bulgare)
  • LC manual auth. cd.(hdg.: Bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡. Simfonichen orkestŭr; usage: Symphony Orchestra of the Bulgarian Television and Radio; Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡; TVR Symphony Orchestra)
  • Rachmaninoff, S. Concerto pour piano et orchestre no 4 en sol mineur, op. 40 [SR] 197-:labels (Orchestre symphonique de la Radio-TV bulgare) container (Bulgarian Broadcasting Symphonic Orchestra)
  • Krat. bŭlg. ent︠s︡., 1966:v. 4, p. 525 (Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio i televizii︠a︡; formed 1948; earlier name: Dŭrzhaven simfonichen radioorkestŭr [no publs. in LC database])
  • Christoff, B. Boris Christoff [SR] p1983:label (Symphonieorchester des Bulgarishchen Rundfunks)
  • Gerov, N. Kont︠s︡ert za t︠s︡igulka i orkestŭr, 197-?:container (Operno-simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio)
  • Kostov, G. Antifonni dialogues, 197-?:container (Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio)
  • Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Vera Cheloga [SR] p1982:labels (Orchestre symphonique de la Radio nationale bulgare) container (Orchestre national de la Radio bulgare)
  • Martin, F. Concerto for piano and orchestra no. 2 [SR] 1984:label (Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra)
  • Marinov, I. Simfonichna poema "Ilinden" [SR] 197-?:labels (SOBR) container (Simfonichen orkestŭr na bulgarskoto radio; Symphony Orchestra of the Bulgarian Radio [in rom.])
  • Lolov, V. Kont︠s︡ertino za t︠s︡igulka i orkestŭr [SR] 197-?:labels (OSOBR) container (Operno-simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskoto radio; Operno-simfonicheskiĭ orkestr bolgarskogo radio; Bulgarian National Radio Opera-Symphony Orchestra)
  • Remenkov, S. Kont︠s︡ert za piano i orkestŭr no. 1 [SR] 197-?:labels (SOBR) container (Simfonichen orkestŭr na bulgarskoto radio; Simfonicheskiĭ orkestr bolgarskogo radio)
  • Petkov, D. Kantata za Antonivanovt︠s︡i [SR] 197-?:label (Simfonichen orkestŭr na BR) container (Simfonicheskiĭ orkestr BR; Bulgarian National Radio SO [in rom.])
  • Levi, Z. Fragmenti iz operata "Neda" [SR] 197-?:labels (Simf. ork. na bŭlg. radio)
  • Tchaikovsky, P.I. Kont︠s︡ert za t︠s︡igulka i orkestŭr v re mazhor opus 35 [SR] 1984?:labels (SOBTR) container (Simfonichen orkestŭr na bŭlgarskata televizii︠a︡ i radio; Bulgarian Television and Radio Symphony Orchestra [in rom.])
  • Tanev, A. Divertimento-concertante [SR] p1981:label (Bulgarian National Radio Orchestra)
  • Nikolov, N. Operen ret︠s︡ital na Nikola Nikolov [SR] 1964?:labels (Simf. ork. na BRT) container (Symphony Orchestra of the Bulgarian Radio and Television)
  • Nikolov, N. Arii din opere [SR] 1965?:labels (Orchestra Simfonică a Radioteleviziunii Bulgare)
  • Goleminov, M. Variations on a theme of Dobri Christov [SR] p1982:label, container (Bulgarian National Orchestra)
  • MacDowell, E. Piano concerto no. 1 in A minor, op. 15 [SR] p1992:label (the Bulgarian Radio Symphony Orchestra)
  • Raĭchev, A. Uverti︠u︡ra "svetŭlden", 197-? :label (Simfonichen orkestŭr na BRT = Symphony Orchestra of the BRT)
  • Tekeliev, A. Oratorii︠a︡-rekviem 1923 [SR] 1974?:labels (Simfonichen orkestŭr na KTR)
  • Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Uverti︠u︡ra "Svetŭl praznik" [SR] 197-?:labels (SOKTR) container (Simfonichen orkestŭr na KTR; Symphony Orchestra of CTR [in rom.])
  • Minchev, G. Starobŭlgarski khroniki [SR] 197-?:label (Simf. ork. na KTR)
  • Kutev, F. Kantata "9-ti septemvri" [SR] 197-?:label (SOKTR) container (Symphony Orchestra of the Committee for TVR)
  • Rachmaninoff, S. Kambanite [SR] 197-?:label (SOKTR) container (Symphonic Orchestra of the Committee for Television and Radio)
  • Trideset godini bŭlgarski simfonichni orkestri, 1974:p. 115, etc. (Simfonichen orkestŭr pri Komiteta za televizii︠a︡ i radio; SO na KTR; SO na BRT; ... Simfonichnii︠a︡ orkestŭr na BRT; [text indicates that names are used interchangeably])
  • Kukolʹnai︠a︡ fei︠a︡, 198-?:label (Simfonicheskiĭ orkestr KTR) container (Simfonichen orkestŭr na KTR; Symphony Orchestra of the Committee for TVR)
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Wikipedia description:

The Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra (Bulgarian: Симфоничен оркестър на Българското национално радио) is a Bulgarian radio orchestra based in Sofia, Bulgaria, affiliated with Bulgarian National Radio. It gives concerts in the Bulgaria Concert Hall.

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