Deutscher Ostmarkenverein

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  • Corporate Body
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Deutscher Ostmarkenverein
Other forms of name
Eastern Marches Society
German Eastern Marches Society
Society for the Eastern Marches
Verein zur Förderung des Deutschtums in den Ostmarken
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 141308122
Wikidata: Q175587
Library of congress: no2003124855
Sources of Information
  • Der Deutsche Ostmarkenverein, 1894-1934, 2002:p. 1 (variants in their own publications: Deutscher Ostmarken-Verein, Ostmarkenverein, Ostmarken-Verein; in English sources found as: German Eastern Marches Society, Society for the Eastern Marches, and Eastern Marches Society)
  • Brockhaus Enzyk., 1986(Ostmarkenverein, Deutscher; founded Nov. 3, 1894 as Verein zur Förderung des Deutschtums in den Ostmarken; abolished 1934)
Wikipedia description:

German Eastern Marches Society (German: Deutscher Ostmarkenverein, also known in German as Verein zur Förderung des Deutschtums in den Ostmarken) was a German radical, extremely nationalist xenophobic organization founded in 1894. Mainly among Poles, it was sometimes known acronymically as Hakata or H-K-T after its founders von Hansemann, Kennemann and von Tiedemann. Its main aims were the promotion of Germanization of Poles living in Prussia and destruction of Polish national identity in German eastern provinces. Contrary to many similar nationalist organizations created in that period, the Ostmarkenverein had relatively close ties with the government and local administration, which made it largely successful, even though it opposed both the policy of seeking some modus vivendi with the Poles pursued by Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg and Leo von Caprivi's policies of relaxation of anti-Polish measures. While of limited significance and often overrated, the organization formed a notable part of German anti-democratic pluralist part of the political landscape of the Wilhelmine era. Initially formed in Posen, in 1896 its main headquarters was moved to Berlin. In 1901 it had roughly 21,000 members, the number rose to 48,000 in 1913, though some authors claim the membership was as high as 220,000. After Poland was re-established following World War I in 1918, the society continued its rump activities in the Weimar Republic until it was closed down by the Nazis in 1934 who created the new organisation with similar activity Bund Deutscher Osten.

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