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| מספר מערכת 987007574819205171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
פריצת מחשבים
Name (Latin)
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Computer hacking
See Also From tracing topical name
Computer programming
Computer security
Other Identifiers
Library of congress: sh2013002597
Sources of Information
  • Work cat: Champion, E. Game mods, 2012:p. 11-12 (Finch's (2011) definition: user-made edits made to PC videogames; Scacchi (2010) proposed five types of game mods [including] game console hacking)
  • Monk, S. Hacking electronics, 2013:publishers description (This intuitive guide shows how to wire, disassemble, tweak, and re-purpose everyday devices quickly and easily. Discover how to hack sensors, accelerometers, remote controllers, ultrasonic rangefinders, motors, stereo equipment, microphones, and FM transmitters.)
  • OED online, Sept. 14, 2013:hack, v. (8. To gain unauthorized access to (computer files, etc., or information held in one). colloq. (org. U.S.))
  • Internet Security Systems website, Sept. 14, 2013(The word 'hacking' has two definitions: 1. the hobby/profession of working with computers. 2. breaking into computer systems. While the first definition is older and is still used by many computer enthusiasts (who refer to cyber-criminals as "crackers"), the second definition is much more commonly used.)
  • Free dictionary, Sept. 14, 2013(hack, v., 3.a. (informal) To alter (a computer program). 3.b. To gain access to (a computer file or network) illegally or without authorization)
  • GameHacking website, Sept. 14, 2013('Hacking', in the context of GameHacking.org, refers to modification of a platform's system memory during game play, or modification of files that comprise a game, to achieve a desired effect during game play.)