Muzeum imienia Przypkowskich w Jędrzejowie

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  • Corporate Body
| מספר מערכת 987007580923405171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Muzeum imienia Przypkowskich w Jędrzejowie
Other forms of name
Musaeum Publicum a Nomine Familiae Przypkowski Vocatum
Musée Przypkowski
Musée Przypkowski à Jȩdrezejów
Muzeum im. Przypkowskich w Jędrzejowie
Poland. Muzeum imienia Przypkowskich w Jędrzejowie
Poland. Pryzpkowskich National Museum
Pryzpkowskich National Museum
20.30416667 20.30416667 50.63888889 50.63888889 (gooearth )
Type of corporate body
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 147490473
Wikidata: Q7253676
Library of congress: n 83219555
Sources of Information
  • Ekslibrisy polskie, 1972-1974, 1974 (a.e.)colophon (Muzeum imienia Przypkowskich w Jędrzejowie)
  • Brzostowski, S. Muzea w Polsce, 1968:p. 75 (Muzeum im. Przypkowskich w Jędrzejowie, under Polish Government control since 1962)
  • International Congress of Bibliophiles (8th : 1973 : Warsaw, Poland). VIIIe Congrès international des bibliophiles, Varsovie, 23-29 juillet, 1983:t.p. (Musée Przypkowski, Jędrejów)
  • Dir. of museums, 1975:p. 364 (under rubric Poland, Jędrzejow: Pryzpkowskich National Museum)
  • Les Exlibris de Pologne, 1973:t.p. (Musaeum Publicum a Nomine Familiae Przypkowski Vocatum) leaf 3 (Musée Przypkowski à Je̦drezejów)
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Wikipedia description:

Przypkowscy Clock Museum (Polish: Państwowe Muzeum im. Przypkowskich w Jędrzejowie) is a clock museum in Jędrzejów, Poland. The museum is focused on sundials and optical astronomical instruments. The museum began as a clock collection of the Przypkowski family, and was made public in 1909. Since 1962 it is a state-run museum. The museum collection is world-famous, and is considered third in the world in the terms of number and worth of items displayed, after the Chicago Planetaria and Museum of the History of Science, Oxford. In addition to clocks, the museum also has exhibitions related to history of gastronomy and literature.

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