Gorelyĭ, Mount (Russia)
Enlarge text Shrink text- Work cat.: 2011526885: Petrologiia porod vulkanov Gorelyĭ i Mutnovskiĭ (IUzhnaia Kamchatka), 2011:t.p. (vulkanov Gorelyĭ, IUzhnaia Kamchatka) added t.p. (Gorely ... volcanoes, Southern Kamchatka)
- GeoNames, Apr. 13, 2012(approved: Vulkan Gorelaya Sopka, variants; Sopka Gorelaya, Mount Gorelyi, Sopka Gorely Khrebet, Sopka Gorelyy Khrebet, Vulkan Gorelyy; volcano, Russia, Kamchatskiy Kray, 52°33ʹ00ʺN 158°02ʹ00ʺE)
Gorely (Russian: Горелый) is a volcano located in the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. It consists of five overlapping stratovolcanoes and is one of the most active in southern Kamchatka. Gorely is a large, long-lived shield-type volcano that is currently in an eruptive phase. Prior eruptions occurred in 1980-81 and 1984–86.Several complexes compose the overall volcanic structure: - ancient Pra-Gorely volcano which measures 20–25 km in diameter; - a 12 km diameter caldera; - thick stratum of ignimbrites totaling a volume of 100 km3; - post-caldera eruption cinder cones; - modern edifice – “Young Gorely” composed of three large superimposed cones and 11 associated craters forming a NW-SE trending intra-caldera ridgeline; - a complex of 40 modern subsidiary cones on the slopes of “Young Gorely”. In 2010, activity began to increase, suggesting the volcano was waking up. A new vent was discovered on the inner southeast wall of the crater
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