Enlarge text Shrink text- Encyc. Britannica online, Aug. 27, 2014(Zygophyllales, the creosote bush order of dicotyledonous flowering plants, consisting of 2 families (Zygophyllaceae and Krameriaceae), 27 genera, and about 300 species. Zygophyllales belongs to the Rosid I or fabid lineage of the Rosid group in the core eudicots under the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II botanical classification system.)
- ITIS, Aug. 27, 2014(Order Zygophyllales. Synonyms: Balanitales; Krameriales. Superorder Rosanae, Class Magnoliopsida, Infradivision Angiospermae)
- NCBI taxonomy browser, Aug. 27, 2014(Zygophyllales. Rank: order. Full lineage: cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; Mesangiospermae; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; rosids; fabids)
- PlantSystematics.org website, Aug. 27, 2014(Order Zygophyllales. Number of families in Zygophyllales: 2. Krameriaceae; Zygophyllaceae)
- Wikipedia, Aug. 27, 2014(The Zygophyllales are an order of dicotyledon plants, comprising the following two families: Family Zygophyllaceae; Family Krameriaceae)
- Atlas of living Australia, via WWW, Aug. 27, 2014(order Zygophyllales; subclass Magnoliidae, class Equisetopsida, phylum Charophyta, kingdom Plantae; synonyms: Zygophylleae; Krameriales; Balanitales)
The Zygophyllales are an order of dicotyledonous plants, comprising the following two families: Family Zygophyllaceae Family Krameriaceae According to the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG II) both families are unplaced to order, but nevertheless included in the Eurosids I. The APG III system of 2009, however, recognized this order. Even if the monogeneric family Krameriaceae shares few common traits with the family Zygophyllaceae, researchers see little advantage in keeping it as a separate family (e.g. Sheahan and Chase). The name Zygophyllales can be used if one finds it appropriate to place both families into an order. The order remains unchanged in the APG IV system. Under the Cronquist system, the Zygophyllaceae were included within the Sapindales, and the Krameriaceae within the Polygalales.
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