Margoshes, Samuel, 1887-1968
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Sources of Information
- The Jewish communal register of New York city, 1917-1918, c1918:t.p. (Samuel Margoshes)
- OCLC, 1/8/07(hdg.: Margoshes, Samuel, 1887-1968; Margoshes, Samuel; usage: S. Margoshes; Samuel Margoshes; Shemuʼel Margoshes)
- NUCMC data from Amer. Jewish Archives for Zalmon Berul papers, 1943(Dr. S. Margsohes, 1887-1968)
- Encyc. Judaica, v. 13(Margoshes, Samuel, 1887-1968; Yiddish journalist, ed. and Zionist leader; b. in Galicia [Pale of Settlement]; imm. to U.S. in 1905)
Wikipedia description:
Samuel Margoshes (October 21, 1887 – August 23, 1968) was a Galician-born Jewish-American Yiddish journalist, newspaper editor, and Zionist.
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