John, of Salisbury, Bishop of Chartres, -1180. Policraticus

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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
John, of Salisbury, Bishop of Chartres, -1180. Policraticus
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q3394217
Library of congress: no2010136696
Sources of Information
  • Ioannis Saresberiensis episcopi Carnotensis Policratici sive De nugis curialium et vestigiis philosophorum libri VIII, 1909.
  • New Catholic encyclopedia, 2nd ed.:v. 7, p. 985 (under John of Salisbury: Policraticus; a work of political philosophy, written between 1157 and 1159)
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Wikipedia description:

Policraticus or Polycraticus is a work by John of Salisbury, written around 1159. Sometimes called the first complete medieval work of political theory, it belongs, at least in part, to the genre of advice literature addressed to rulers known as "mirrors for princes", but also breaks from that genre by offering advice to courtiers and bureaucrats. Though it takes up a wide variety of ethical questions, it is most famous for attempting to define the responsibilities of kings and their relationship to their subjects.

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