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| מספר מערכת 987007595348105171
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Name (Latin)
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Funeral hymns
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q1063286
Library of congress: sh2012003892
Sources of Information
  • Work cat.: In obitum ornatissimi viri, D. Georgii Campbelli, S.S. theologiæ professoris apud Edinburgenses, epicedium, 1701.
  • Niccols, R. Expicedium [sic] : a funeral oration, vpon the death of the late deceased Princesse of famous memorye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, Queen of England, France and Ireland, 1603.
  • 96110076: Epicedia Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum illustrissimae principis Annae Ducissae Eboracensis, 1671.
  • 95125945: Epicédium a Balassi fivérek, Bálint és Ferenc halálára, 1994.
  • Zabłocki, S. Polsko-łacinskie epicedium renesansowe na tle europejskim, 1968.
  • 92217265: The pseudo-Ovidian Ad Liviam de morte Drusi (Consolatio ad Liviam, Epicedium Drusi), c1992.
  • 75500014: Hankins, O.B. Leibniz as baroque poet : an interpretation of his German epicedium on the death of Queen Sophie Charlotte, 1973.
  • The Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and poetics, c2012(Epicedium. A song of mourning in praise of the dead, sung in the presence of the corpse and distinguished from threnos, a dirge, which was not limited by time or place. The word does not occur before the Alexandrian period, or in Lat. before Statius (1st c. CE), although the lamentations over the bodies of Hector and Achilles in Homer are, properly speaking, epicedia. The epicedium became very popular in the Hellenistic period and was widely imitated in Lat. lit. It was accompanied by a solemn dance with music provided by a flute in the Lydian mode. Written originally in a variety of meters, it was confined after the cl. period entirely to elegiac distichs and hexameters. Epicedia also included lamentations in verse for pet animals and birds.)
  • Poetry magnum opus website, Oct. 1, 2012(Epicedium (Latin) is a funeral song directed to and read before the corpse. Originally it was written in elegiac couplets but with time, the epicedium was written using other frames. It is the theme that identifies the genre, the tone is mournful.)
  • Dictionary.com, Oct. 1, 2012(epicedium plural epicedia: a funeral song; dirge. Related forms: epicedial, epicedian, adjective)
  • Yourdictionary.com, Oct. 1, 2012(epicedium pl. epicedia: a funeral ode or hymn; dirge
  • Oxford dictionaries website, Oct. 1, 2012(epicedium (plural epicedia): a funeral ode; originally in the anglicized form epicede)
  • Linton, A. Poetry and parental bereavement in early modern Lutheran Germany, c2008:jacket (the neglected genre of the epicedium (funeral poem))
  • Chapman, G. An epicede or funerall song : on the most disastrous death, of the high-borne prince of men, Henry Prince of Wales, &c., 1612.
  • 77030423: Donne, J. The epithalamions, anniversaries, and epicedes, 1978.