Elizabethan Club (Yale University)

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  • Corporate Body
| מספר מערכת 987007596696805171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Elizabethan Club (Yale University)
Other forms of name
Elizabethan Club of Yale University
Yale Elizabethan Club
Yale University. Elizabethan Club
-72.92625 -72.92625 41.31038889 41.31038889 (gooearth )
Start period
Field of activity
Conversation Literature English literature--Early modern, 1500-1700
Associate group
Yale University
Biographical or Historical Data
"Founded in 1911, by Alexander Smith Cochran, Yale Class of 1896, the Elizabethan Club of Yale University is a private club that maintains a library and serves as a meeting place for conversation and discussion relating to literature and the arts. The Elizabethan Club is located near the center of the Yale University campus in an early nineteenth-century house that was part of the founder's original gift. Membership in the Elizabethan Club, by invitation only, includes undergraduates, graduate students, Yale University faculty and staff."--Elizabethan Club Website, July 30, 2013.
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 142462763
Wikidata: Q5363835
Library of congress: n 81132577
Sources of Information
  • Thomas Heywood, Robert Greene, and others, 2013:cover (Elizabethan Club of Yale University)
  • "The Elizabethan Club [website], July 30, 2013:About the Club page (founded 1911 by Alexander Yale Cochran, class of 1896, the Elizabethan Club of Yale University is a private club that maintains a library and serves as a meeting place for conversation and the arts. Address: The Elizabethan Club, 459 College St., New Haven, CT 06511; membership is invitation only and includes Yale undergraduate students, faculty, and staff.)
  • OCLC, July 30, 2013(usage: Elizabethan Club, Yale Elizabethan Club, Elizabethan Club of Yale University)
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Wikipedia description:

The Elizabethan Club is a social club at Yale University named for Queen Elizabeth I and her era. Its profile and members tend toward a literary disposition, and conversation is one of the Club's chief purposes. The Elizabethan Club's collection of 16th- and 17th-century books and artifacts include Shakespearean folios and quartos, first editions of Milton's Paradise Lost, Spenser's Faerie Queene, and Francis Bacon's Essayes, all locked in the club's vault. The collection is only available for inspection at certain times, or to researchers upon request at Yale's Beinecke Library. Tea is served daily during the semester and members may invite guests on specified days. The Club accepts female and male undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff.

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