Simone, Madame, 1877-1985

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007600283905171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Simone, Madame, 1877-1985
Other forms of name
Benda, Pauline, 1877-1985
Casimir-Perier, Pauline, 1877-1985
Madame Simone, 1877-1985
Perier, Pauline Casimir-, 1877-1985
Porché, Simone, 1877-1985
Simone, 1877-1985
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 36959003
Wikidata: Q3275324
Library of congress: no 93022907
Sources of Information
  • Alain-Fournier, Correspondance, 1912-1914, 1992:t.p. (Madame Simone) p. 11 (Pauline Benda, wife of Claude Casimir-Perier, stage name Madame Simone)
  • NUC pre-56(hdg: Porché, Simone, 1880-)
  • BnF, 24 Sep. 2008(hdg.: Madame Simone, 1877-1985; refs.: Simone, 1877-1985; Madame Simone, 1877-1985, Benda, Pauline, 1877-1985)
  • BL database, 24 Sep. 2008(hdg.: Simone, Madame, b. 1877; refs.: Casimir-Perier, Pauline; Perier, Pauline Casimir)
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Wikipedia description:

Simone Le Bargy (3 April 1877 – 17 October 1985), born Pauline Benda but better known by her stage and pen name, Madame Simone, was a French actress and woman of letters.

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