Sharp Cogan, Martha, 1905-1999

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007601637905171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
שארפ, מרתה, 1905-1999
Name (Latin)
Sharp Cogan, Martha, 1905-1999
Other forms of name
Cogan, Martha Sharp, 1905-1999
Sharp, Martha, 1905-1999
Date of birth
Date of death
Type of corporate body
Righteous Gentiles in the Holocaust
Place of birth
Providence (R.I.)
Associated Language
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 267808933
Wikidata: Q6774561
Library of congress: no2012122187
Sources of Information
  • Heroes of the spirit, c2006:screen (Martha Sharp)
  • Washington Post web site, 12 Sept. 2012(Martha Sharp Cogan, who had divorced and remarried, d. in 1999)
  • Subak, S.E. Rescue & flight, c2010:(Martha, b. 1905, in Providence, Rhode Island)
  • Yad Vashem web site, 12 Sept. 2012(Righteous Among the Nations Honored by Yad Vashem: Sharp, Waitstill & Martha)
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Wikipedia description:

Martha Ingham Dickie Sharp Cogan (April 25, 1905 – December 6, 1999) was an American Unitarian who was involved in humanitarian and social justice work with her first husband, a Unitarian minister, Waitstill Sharp, and others of her denomination, and so helped hundreds of refugees, including Jews, to escape Nazi persecution, through relocation and other efforts. In September 2005, Martha and Waitstill Sharp were named by the Yad Vashem organization as "Righteous Among the Nations", the second and third of five Americans to receive this honor. The subsequent ceremony involved the presentation of a medal and certificate of honor to the Sharps' daughter, Martha Sharp Joukowsky, amidst a large audience that included one of the children that her parents had helped get out of France, Eva Esther Feigl.

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