Turkey. Meclis-i Mebusan
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Sources of Information
- Its Meclis-i Mebʼusan ... 1939, cover 1940-
- LC data base, 3-21-85(hdg.: Turkey. Meclis-i Mebʼusan [sic]; usage: Meclis-i Mebusan) LC manual cat. (hdg.: Turkey. Meclis-i Mebʼusan; usage: Meclis-i Mebʼusan)
- Its Meclisi Mebusan zabıt ceridesi (1908). Meclisi Mebusan zabıt ceridesi, 11 Kasım [i.e. Şubat] 1324 [i.e. 1909] tarihli 34üncü inikattan 26 Mart 1325 [i.e. 1909] tarihli 54üncü inikada kadar:t.p.
- Langer, W.L. An encyclopedia of world history, 1972:p. 776-777 (Mar. 19, 1877: parliament first met, but was soon prorogued by sultan; July 24, 1908: constitution of 1876 [which had established the parliament] restored by Abdul Hamid II; Dec. 17, 1908: first meeting of [the revived] parliament)
- List of the serial publications of foreign govts., 1815-1931, 1932:p. 559 (the old parliament dissolved Apr. 12, 1920; the new assembly [Büyük Millet Meclisi] convened Apr. 23, 1920)
- Wikipedia, Aug. 19, 2011:Parliament of the Ottoman Empire (Parliament of the Ottoman Empire; composed of two houses, the lower Chamber of Deputies and the upper "Committee of Leaders". It was first constituted in 1876, and initially lasted until 1878, when the parliament was dissolved by Abdulhamid II. It was revived in the Second Constitutional Era with substantial reforms and participation by political parties, and lasted through the Allied occupation of Istanbul until 1922; successor to the Ottoman Parliament was the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey) French version (Parlement ottoman) Turkish version of page (Meclis-i Mebusan (Parlamenterler Meclisi))
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Wikipedia description:
The Chamber of Deputies (Ottoman Turkish: مجلس مبعوثان Meclis-i meb'ūs̱ān; Turkish: Meclis-i Mebusân or Mebuslar Meclisi) of the Ottoman Empire was the lower house of the General Assembly, the Ottoman Parliament. Unlike the upper house, the Senate, the members of the Chamber of Deputies were elected by the general Ottoman populace, although suffrage was limited to men of a certain financial standing, among other restrictions that varied over the Chamber's lifetime.
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