Hay, William W., 1934-2022
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Hay, William W., 1934-2022
Other forms of name
Hay, William W., 1934-
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of birth
Dallas (Tex.)
Place of residence/headquarters
Estes Park (Colo.)
Field of activity
Geology Submarine geology Micropaleontology Paleoceanography Paleoclimatology
Associate group
University of Colorado, Boulder
Southern Methodist University
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stanford University
Geologists College teachers
Associated Language
Fuller form of name
William Winn
Other Identifiers
Sources of Information
- Coastline changes, c2007:ECIP t.p. (William W. Hay) data sheet (b. Oct. 12, 1934)
- NLA in VIAF, Feb. 28, 2013(hdg.: Hay, William W. (William Winn), 1934- )
- William Winn Hay; geboren 12 Oktober 1934 in Dallas; ist ein US-amerikanischer Geologe. Hay studierte an der Southern Methodist University mit dem Bachelor Abschluss 1955 und an der University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign mit dem Master Abschluss 1958. Er studierte auch an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und der Universität Zürich und war als Post-Doktorand ein Jahr an der Universität Basel. Er wurde 1960 an der Stanford University promoviert und war danach Assistant Professor und später Professor an der University of Illinois, was er bis 1973 blieb. 2002 ging er beim Geomar in den Ruhestand und lebt in Estes Park in Colorado ( (de.Wikipedia, Feb. 28, 2013) )
- William W. Hay, Professor Emeritus of Geological Sciences, Associate Curator, University of Colorado Museum; B.S. Southern Methodist University, 1955 (Biology); M.S. University of Illinois, 1958 (Geology); Ph.D. Stanford 1960 (Geology) ( (University of Colorado, Bolulder, Geological Sciences, Faculty, Feb. 28, 2013) )
- Experimenting on a small planet, 2016:title page (William W. Hay) verso (University of Colorado at Boulder, Estes Park, CO)
- William W. Hay is a geologist, marine geologist, micropaleontologist, paleoceanographer, and paleoclimatologist, primarily associated with the University of Colorado. William (Bill) Winn Hay was born October 12, 1934, in Dallas, Texas ; Hay received his B.S. in Biology from Southern Methodist University in 1955, M.S. in Geology at the University of Illinois at Urbana in 1958, and Ph.D. in Geology at Stanford University in 1960 ; ( (Wikipedia web site, February 5, 2019:) )
Wikipedia description:
William Winn Hay (October 12, 1934 – October 27, 2022) was an American geologist, marine geologist, micropaleontologist, paleoceanographer, and paleoclimatologist, primarily associated with the University of Colorado.
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