Petri, Heinrich, 1508-1579

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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Petri, Heinrich, 1508-1579
Other forms of name
Petri, Henrichus, 1508-1579
Petrus, Henricus, 1508-1579
Henri-Petri, 1508-1579
Petri, Henry, 1508-1579
Henricpetri, Heinrich, 1508-1579
Petrum, Henricum
Petri, H
Petrus, H
Petri, Henricus
Petruhi, Henricum
Petri, Henricum
Petri, Henrici
Petrum, H
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of residence/headquarters
Basel (Switzerland)
Field of activity
Engraving Printing
See Also From tracing corporate name
Founder of: Officina Henricpetrina
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 106970891
Wikidata: Q55842868
Library of congress: no 95044279
OCoLC: oca03920601
DLC: no 95044279
LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS: 98137723120000041
Sources of Information
  • De omnibus agriculturae partibus ... 1548:t.p. (Per Henrichum Petri)
  • Benzing, J. Die Buchdrucker des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts im deutschen Sprachgebiet(Heinrich Petri, printer in Basel; b. 1508, d. 1579; Henri-Petri)
  • C. Sollii Sidonii apollinaris Auernorum episcopi ... 1542:t.p. (Excudebat Henricus Petrus)
  • Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis, ciuisqúe Bononiensis, philosophi, medici et mathematici clarissimi, Opus novum de proportionibus numerorum, 1570:colophon (Officina Henricpetrina)
  • Heckethorn, C.W. The printers of Basle in the XV. & XVI. centuries, 1897:p. 154 (Henry Petri; a knighthood was conferred upon him in 1566 whence the members of his family, to distinguish themselves from the other Petris, assumed the name of Henricpetri)
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Wikipedia description:

Heinrich Petri (Latin: Henricus Petri; 1508–1579), frequently misdeclined as "Henricus Petrus", and his son Sebastian Henric Petri (1546–1627) were influential early printers in Basel (Basilea). In addition to their own names, their printshop also used the Latin name Officina Henricpetrina. Among their best known works, both of 1566, the second edition of De revolutionibus orbium coelestium by Nicolaus Copernicus, first published in 1543 in Nuremberg by Johannes Petreius, and of Narratio Prima by Georg Joachim Rheticus, published in 1540 in Danzig (Gdańsk) by Franz Rhode. Also in 1566, Officina Henricpetrina published Petri Nonii Salaciensis Opera, the most important work by the Portuguese mathematician Pedro Nunes.

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