Banca Națională a Moldovei
Enlarge text Shrink textThe National Bank of Moldova (Romanian: Banca Naţională a Moldovei) is the central bank of the Republic of Moldova. The National Bank of Moldova is an autonomous public legal entity and is responsible to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. The primary objective of the National Bank of Moldova shall be to ensure and maintain the price stability. Without prejudice to its primary objective, the National Bank of Moldova shall promote and maintain a financial system based on market principles and shall support the general economic policy of the state. The National Bank cooperates with the Government with the view to achieving its objectives and, according to the Law, undertakes the necessary measures to implement such cooperation. The NBM periodically informs the public about macroeconomic analysis, financial market evolution and statistic data, including on money supply, credit granting, balance of payments and foreign exchange market.
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