Sabina, Joaquín

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987008816739605171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
סבינה, חואקין
Name (Latin)
Sabina, Joaquín
Date of birth
Associated country
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 26676986
Wikidata: Q363577
Library of congress: no 98023105
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Wikipedia description:

Joaquín Ramón Martínez Sabina (born 12 February 1949) is a Spanish musician, singer, composer, and poet. His songs usually treat love, heartbreaks and society with significant use of literary figures as in the baroque-literature style. He has released fourteen studio albums, two live albums, and three compilation albums. Some of his best-known songs are "Calle Melancolía" ("Melancholy street"), "19 días y 500 noches" ("19 days and 500 nights"),"¿Quién me ha robado el mes de Abril?" ("Who stole the month of April from me?"), "Pongamos que hablo de Madrid" ("Lets say I'm talking about Madrid"), "Y sin embargo" ("However"), "Contigo" ("With you") or "Peces de ciudad" ("City fish") He performed both solo and with a group for his live albums, performing with Javier Krahe and Alberto Pérez in La mandrágora, the group Viceversa in a 1986 concert, and with Joan Manuel Serrat in Dos pájaros de un tiro (Two birds with one stone). Sabina suffered a stroke in 2001 and although he physically recovered, he entered a deep depression which resulted in a four-year-long concert hiatus. He recovered and released his eighteenth album, Alivio de Luto, in November 2005 and in 2009 he released his album, Vinagre y rosas. In 2012 he released his latest album in collaboration with Joan Manuel Serrat: La Orquesta Del Titanic. On June 29, 2020, Sabina married Jimena Coronado in a private ceremony in Madrid

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