Qurʼan. Sūrat al-qadr
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Sources of Information
- Azad, A. K. Qurʼān-i ḥakīm kī tīn sūraten̲, 1977 (a.e.)p. 64 (Sūrat al-qadr)
- Koran. Qurʼān karīm wa-fahāris al-Qurʼān, 1966(Sūrat al-qadr Makkīyah, 97)
- Koran. Eng. Rodwell's transl., 1933(Sura XCVII)
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Wikipedia description:
Al-Qadr (Arabic: القدر, "Power, Fate") is the 97th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur'an, with 5 āyāt or verses. It is a Meccan surah which celebrates the night when the first revelation of what would become the Qur'an was sent down. The chapter has been so designated after the word al-qadr in the first verse. It is mainly about power.
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