Fukase, Masahisa, 1934-2012
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Sources of Information
- Author's Yūgi, 1971.
- Yōko, 1978:t.p. (Fukase Masahisa; Masahisa Fukase [in rom.]) colophon (b. 1934; photographer)
- Chichi no kioku, 1991: p.[163] (b. Shōwa 9 [1934]) p.[164] (name pronounced Yoshihisa in family register, normally called Masahisa)
- Wikipedia search, 29 July 2014(b. Feb 25, 1934 in Hokkaido Japan, died June 9 2012)
Wikipedia description:
Masahisa Fukase (深瀬 昌久, Fukase Masahisa, 25 February 1934 – 9 June 2012) was a Japanese photographer, celebrated for his work depicting his domestic life with his wife Yōko Wanibe and his regular visits to his parents' small-town photo studio in Hokkaido. He is best known for his 1986 book Karasu (Ravens or The Solitude of Ravens), which in 2010 was selected by the British Journal of Photography as the best photobook published between 1986 and 2009. Since his death in 2012 there has been a revival of interest in Fukase's photography, with new books and exhibitions appearing that emphasize the breadth and originality of his art.
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