Rosensweig, Itamar

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Wikipedia description:

Itamar Rosensweig is a rabbi and maggid shiur at Yeshiva University in New York City and a dayan (rabbinic judge) at the Beth Din of America, where he also serves as the editor of Jewishprudence: Thoughts on Jewish Law and Beth Din Jurisprudence. Rabbi Rosensweig is also the Rabbi at The Merion Shtiebel in Merion Station, Pennsylvania, and teaches Jewish Business Law and Ethics at YU's Sy Syms School of Business. Previously, he taught an advanced Talmud shiur at Columbia University's Kraft Center, and presently serves as the maggid shiur at the University of Pennsylvania Hillel. He is the son of Rabbi Michael Rosensweig, and grandson of Yaffa Eliach.

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