Eretum (Extinct city)
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Sources of Information
- Work cat: 2018415464: Colle del forno, ©2017:p. 17, etc. (Eretum: ancient Sabine city located by this author in the territory of Monterotondo [Rome Province], not Montelibretti)
- Oxford classical dictionary, 4 ed., 2012 (online):Sabini entry (Eretum: one of 3 centers of the Sabines in the Tiber River Valley)
- Brill's New Pauly, 2004:(Eretum: town of the Sabini at the via Salaria, 18 miles from Rome, where the via Nomentana branches off. Being situated near the border of Rome, E. was involved in many disputes in the time of the Roman kings. Finally, E. was incorporated into Nomentum ... E. is modern Casa Cotta di Montelibretti. There is a necropolis nearby (end of 7th cent.-beginning of 3rd cent. BC))
- Wikipedia, Sept. 3, 2018:(Eretum: an ancient town of the Sabines, situated on the Via Salaria, at its junction with the Via Nomentana, a short distance from the Tiber, and about 30 kilometres (19 mi) from Rome ... The position of Eretum has been a subject of much dispute partly because the exact course of the Via Salaria repeatedly changed in ancient times)
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Wikipedia description:
Eretum (Greek: Ἠρητόν), was an ancient town of the Sabines, situated on the Via Salaria, at its junction with the Via Nomentana, a short distance from the Tiber, and about 30 km (19 mi) from Rome.
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