Kumanovo, Battle of, Kumanovo, North Macedonia, 1912
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Sources of Information
- Work cat: Kumanovo pre i za vreme rata 1912. god, 2012.
- Balkan military history website, January 28, 2015(under First Balkan War: The Battle of Kumanovo took place October 23-24, 1912, 15 kilometers northeast of the Macedonian capital Skopje (then called Uskub); Serbian victory over Turkish forces)
- War in the Balkans, 2014, viewed online January 28, 2015:page 166-167 (Kumanovo, Battle of, 1912; took place October 23-24, 1912)
- Wikipedia, January 28, 2015(Battle of Kumanovo; variants: Battle of Kumanova, Kumanovska bitka; October 23-24, 1912; major battle of the First Balkan War; important Serbian victory over the Ottoman army in the Kosovo Vilayet; battle took place in Kumanovo District, Sanjak of Üsküp; Kosovo Vilayet, Ottoman Empire (now Kumanovo, Macedonia))
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Wikipedia description:
The Battle of Kumanovo (Serbian: Кумановска битка / Kumanovska bitka, Turkish: Kumanova Muharebesi), on 23–24 October 1912, was a major battle of the First Balkan War. It was an important Serbian victory over the Ottoman army in the Kosovo Vilayet, shortly after the outbreak of the war. After this defeat, the Ottoman army abandoned the major part of the region, suffering heavy losses in manpower (mostly due to desertions) and in war materiel.
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