High pressure systems (Meteorology)

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Name (Hebrew)
מערכות לחץ גבוה (מטיאורולוגיה)
Name (Latin)
High pressure systems (Meteorology)
Other forms of name
nne Anticyclones
Highs (High pressure systems)
See Also From tracing topical name
Air masses
Dynamic meteorology
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q1709543
Library of congress: sh 85005660
Sources of Information
  • Work cat.: 2011368405: Xi Taiping Yang fu re dai gao ya yan jiu de xin jin zhan ji qi ying yong, 2010:English translation of title (West Pacific subtropical high New Development and Applications)
  • Australian government bureau of meteorology(High pressure system (anticyclone), is a system of closed isobars surrounding a region of relatively high pressure. When compared with low pressure systems, highs tend to cover a greater area, move more slowly and have a longer life)
  • Britannica online, Jan. 12, 2018(Anticyclone; alternate titles: High; anticyclone, any large wind system that rotates about a centre of high atmospheric pressure clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern. Its flow is the reverse of that of a cyclone (q.v.))
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Wikipedia description:

A high-pressure area, high, or anticyclone, is an area near the surface of a planet where the atmospheric pressure is greater than the pressure in the surrounding regions. Highs are middle-scale meteorological features that result from interplays between the relatively larger-scale dynamics of an entire planet's atmospheric circulation. The strongest high-pressure areas result from masses of cold air which spread out from polar regions into cool neighboring regions. These highs weaken once they extend out over warmer bodies of water. Weaker—but more frequently occurring—are high-pressure areas caused by atmospheric subsidence: Air becomes cool enough to precipitate out its water vapor, and large masses of cooler, drier air descend from above. Within high-pressure areas, winds flow from where the pressure is highest, at the center of the area, towards the periphery where the pressure is lower. However, the direction is not straight from the center outwards, but curved due to the Coriolis effect from Earth's rotation. Viewed from above, the wind direction is bent in the direction opposite to the planet's rotation; this causes the characteristic spiral shape of the tropical cyclones otherwise known as hurricanes and typhoons. On English-language weather maps, high-pressure centers are identified by the letter H. Weather maps in other languages may use different letters or symbols.

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